Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Part 23

As soon as he entered he found his Di sitting on the edge of his bed and waiting for him, she was on the phone and as soon as he entered he heard her say

“Ji, he is here I will call you later.” And then disengaged the call and looked at Arnav as he settled himself beside her.

“Chotey, you were very wrong in talking to Nani like that.”

“Di please, I had to make her understand that what she is waiting for me to do is just not going to happen. She had to understand… Di.. she had to move on..”

“But Chotey, marriage is an important part of life…”

“It’s not necessary part of life it’s just a social norm, Di”

“Chotey, what about Sanaaji, she must be expecting you to take the next step in your relationship.”

“Both Sanaa and I know very well that there is no next step in our relationship Di, if there is any step, it will just be moving on with our lives without each other” his temper was raising now

“What do you mean Chotey? Are you guys breaking up?” Gosh his Di always took the wrong meaning of his words.

“NO Di, but I just meant that other than that our relationship has nowhere to go.”

“You just talk about breaking up with her without any care, without any emotion without even a small frown… she means nothing to you, Chotey” His blood was starting to boil now

“Di, I am not ditching an innocent girl, Sanaa knew what she was getting into and she also understands the dynamics of the relationship. I made it very clear to her right at the beginning that I will not ever offer her something more in this relationship and she agreed.”

“No Chotey, that’s not what I meant ….” He looked at her questioningly and she continued

“I was just observing that the thought of leaving Sanaaji doesn’t affect you at all.” He frowned what was his Di trying to say.

“You don’t love her.” She completed

“DI, how many times do I have to tell you that there is no such thing as LOVE… “

“No Chotey, there is love and I pray to Devi Maiyya every day to send the girl who will make you fall in love into your life soon.”

ASR just laughed sarcastically at his Di but his subconscious flashed a picture of “HER” and his laugh stopped midway and a frown made its way on to his brow “No it can’t be…”

He was irritated now, he got up from beside his sister and picked up his keys and said “Di I am going to LA next Wednesday, I haven’t booked a return ticket yet it might be a few weeks before I get back. Mama will take care of everything here and Aakash will be at home if you need anything and I guess NK will also be around. If you need anything from US just ask Aakash to email me.”

“Chotey the wedding is in 8 weeks, you have to be here for the wedding.”

“Ya Di, I know I will be back by then.” he said and started walking towards the door and said “Di I am going to see Sanaa to tell her about my trip. I will be late don’t wait up for me.”


He flicked the bell the third time before she opened the door. He walked in and headed straight for her sofa and sat down and flicked the TV on and changed the channel to a news channel.

Sanaa closed the door and followed him to the living room and leaned on the wall and watched him. When he had finished settling himself in, he said

“I am leaving to the US for a couple of weeks.”

“What!! ASR I didn’t know you were planning to go out of the country, when are you leaving?”

“Next Wednesday.” Was his short reply

“Ok good I think I can get everything on my schedule cleared in this week and I can join you on your trip, I won’t be able to stay away from you for a couple of weeks.” She finished

“Sanaa, there is no need for you to change your schedule and come with me. And what is this non-sense about not being able to stay without me??” he said with controlled temper

“ASR darling… you know, I was thinking about the next step in our relationship… and…”

He stood up faced her and yelled “Sanaa, what the heck!! Didn’t I tell you before I took you out on our first date that there will be no future in our relationship and you said that you always had open relationships and you understand what I am offering?”

“But ASR our relationship works so well and I never left this way about any other man I ever went out with, you are special darling…” she cooed and stepped forward and hugged him and played her last card.

She was pushed back and away from him and his eyes were filled with rage “Sanaa, don’t talk crap… how many guys have you said this to before me? You know ours is a relationship based on convenience and NOTHING more than that… understand?” he bellowed.

Sanaa was shocked. She didn’t come all this way to let go of him… he was her ticket to luxury and riches beyond her reach. She had used her mind and her body to get herself to a place where she could fall into some rich man’s eyes and her luck had got her near the most eligible bachelor in India and 8 months into the relationship, she had been his longest relationship ever. No absolutely not, she was not letting him go.

She turned to ASR and laughed and said “See ASR that’s what I wanted to show you, that we know each other so well and understand each other’s need’s thoroughly. I wanted you to realize that even if we take this relationship to the next level nothing changes I will not be a nagging partner and also I will help in getting your family off your back if you settle down.” She laughed a little more as if to imply all that they talked before was some joke she had planned.

ASR frowned she was playing him and he knew it, who does she think she is dealing with. But then again she had a valid point about his family. By then Sanaa had made him sit back on the sofa and cozily settled in his lap, took his hands and put them around her and leaned into him making sure her breasts were pushing into his chest and took his lips in for a kiss.

When he didn’t respond, she pulled back and said “ASR… please we won’t see each other for a long time… I need you…It was just a joke… imagine ME in YOUR house attending a Satsang… no thank you.. I am fine just the way things are…” she whispered the last in his ear and started kissing his earlobe and the slowly moved no to his firm jaw and kissed her way to his lips.

ASR closed his eyes and gulped down his anger as long as she knew her place. All the girls he had dated before her were on the marriage issue within three months; at least she knows where she stands. He felt Sanna’s hand reach into his shirt and roam on his chest and shoulders and he felt the familiar stirrings of desire in him.

His hands tightened around her waist and one hand moved up her back and onto her neck to position her face to best fit his lips. He pulled her closer and placed his lips on hers and she parted lips inviting him in. He closed his eyes and mechanically dug in…

Just as he closed his eyes… his brain conjured up a whole new picture… he could picture her lips against his, he suddenly wanted more, he deepened the kiss with a need he had never known before. His heart started racing and he could feel her fingers in his hair and it thrilled him to a new level. He sucked on her tongue and his hands travelled over her body but not too harshly just strong enough to feel her and let her feel his need for her. A thrill ran up his spine as his hands moved from her waist to cover her breast……. gosh he had waited for this for so long…

He was already so ready to take now… right now. He wanted her with such urgency…but he didn’t want to scare her she was so innocent…so fragile. He would go slow; he would ask her if it was ok with her… as he opened his eyes, with his voice filled with desire he said “Khushi…”

And the magic mirror broke into a million pieces right in front of his eyes as reality hit him hard in the gut and he saw Sanaa, still in a daze in his lap and….

He felt like throwing up….

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